Contact Info

Zany Lynn
Love writing, love the movies and cooking, travelling and reading.

Adeline is an alumnus of the Singapore Writing Institute since 2015. The
Singapore Writing Project (SWP) is in partnership with the NWP in the English Language Institute of Singapore (ELIS).

The National Writing Project (NWP) is a well-established professional development activity for teachers in the United States of America. ELIS is an Associated International Site of the NWP and certified to conduct the Writing Institute, the signature programme of the NWP which invites teachers to experience themselves as writers so as to become better teachers of writing.

Goals of the Singapore Writing Institute

By the end of the SWI, participants will:

demonstrate awareness of the writing process and explore their personal purposes and strategies for writing
develop an understanding of current research and theory regarding writing and the teaching of writing
design an interactive presentation for other teachers on teaching writing, founded on current literacy theory and sound instructional practices
make informed decisions in their own classrooms about how to support learners with diverse needs as they learn to write
consider the use of and employ appropriate formative assessment tools to assess their students’ development in writing

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EntitledPoetry10/12/19 12:55
Speak but is anyone listening?Prose09/06/19 20:24
Crystal ClearPoetry08/31/19 8:35
The WindowPoetry08/31/19 4:22
Radiating in Your PresencePoetry08/26/19 7:46
Joyful LivingPoetry08/17/19 10:30
Choked for youPoetry08/11/19 6:49
Land of the unrisen sunPoetry08/10/19 8:27
A dash of pinkProse07/28/19 1:14
Moto-crossing in Hualien, TaiwanPoetry06/24/19 6:48
Have you ever wondered...Prose05/12/19 2:45
Happiness Poetry05/12/19 2:27
Left behindPoetry12/28/18 18:47
ShutProse11/16/18 19:55
Bottle crimePoetry11/06/18 8:49
Rod-a-gone-byPoetry11/06/18 8:46
Take a diveProse10/16/18 11:32
Lines, lines, linesPoetry10/07/18 10:22
Excuse me?Prose10/06/18 6:06
An Ode to Princess NosePoetry10/06/18 6:00
Rain, rain come againPoetry09/03/18 13:29
By and by, another dayPoetry08/28/18 10:39
An added songPoetry08/28/18 10:29
Snooze bluesArticles, Essays & First Person Journalism08/09/18 11:34
My name is PainArticles, Essays & First Person Journalism08/07/18 10:52
A hand in doubtPoetry08/03/18 23:44
Align your heartPoetry07/09/18 9:17
Count to three, won't you?Poetry07/02/18 8:25
Loose endsPoetry07/01/18 9:55
Keeping timePoetry05/22/18 8:28
Scuffle shuttlePoetry05/08/18 12:19
A chisel in timePoetry04/28/18 22:52
The drone of lifePoetry04/27/18 23:22
Game of GroansPoetry04/22/18 11:31
Camped out lotPoetry04/05/18 10:19
Courting duskPoetry03/31/18 8:30
Asides in stridesPoetry03/31/18 1:33
Walking life overPoetry03/23/18 22:23
An Immortal SlayerPoetry03/12/18 20:09
Just my dayPoetry03/10/18 17:19
And so?Articles, Essays & First Person Journalism03/10/18 8:38
Evening DuesProse02/24/18 7:03
I wish, I mayPoetry02/23/18 9:01
Lock, stock but what happened to the barrel?Articles, Essays & First Person Journalism02/14/18 10:55
Glow slowPoetry02/13/18 7:43
A walk goes a long wayProse02/11/18 8:07
When the light fadesProse01/30/18 7:40
My Tinker TankArticles, Essays & First Person Journalism01/28/18 2:21
HellacoasterPoetry01/06/18 7:18
Painted GreyPoetry12/26/17 7:03
Time ToggleArticles, Essays & First Person Journalism12/13/17 8:35
Book-ventureArticles, Essays & First Person Journalism12/10/17 7:57
SolitudePoetry11/26/17 8:41
If onlyPoetry11/21/17 9:55
Light in sightPoetry11/19/17 1:14
The PassingPoetry11/18/17 20:34
Always yoursPoetry09/18/17 20:16
I see, I feel, I amPoetry09/17/17 2:11
A palindrome...Poetry09/02/17 11:37
Free WillPoetry09/01/17 13:52
FrailPoetry08/05/17 23:34
A Momentus ChimeProse07/15/17 23:33
Religious scruplesArticles, Essays & First Person Journalism06/15/17 4:13
My thoughtsPoetry06/13/17 22:46
Fulfilled yet emptyPoetry06/13/17 10:46
Struggles of a Third KindProse06/12/17 12:43
My HeartbeatPoetry06/10/17 12:06
No matter whatPoetry06/10/17 2:02
Cycle Of Pain And StrainPoetry06/10/17 1:58
Fix ItProse06/18/16 2:42
Age of IronyProse06/16/16 13:17
BoxesPoetry06/16/16 12:18
BrokenProse07/26/15 12:25
EastertidePoetry04/26/14 12:13
IfPoetry04/06/14 12:43
Frost-trationPoetry04/06/14 12:40
See This WorldPoetry04/06/14 12:32
One, two, three, four, five Poetry04/06/14 12:29
A New BeginningPoetry03/21/14 14:12
Late at NightPoetry03/21/14 14:04
Happiness?Poetry03/18/14 8:52
TimePoetry02/26/14 12:08
Hey Diddle DiddlePoetry02/26/14 11:55
09/08/18 21:54