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My poetry is inspired by the on going in the world today mostly the black youths. ..Direct and to the point.

JUICES FLOW (erotic)Poetry02/26/13 3:23
TILL DEATHPoetry07/20/12 11:11
INEVITABLEPoetry07/19/12 15:26
BOW YOUR HEAD AND CRYPoetry06/26/12 19:35
WRITERS BLOCKPoetry05/09/12 22:01
DEPRESSIONPoetry04/17/12 20:54
RUNNINGPoetry04/13/12 14:43
BOW YOUR HEAD AND CRYPoetry04/11/12 9:46
LOST LOVEPoetry04/09/12 16:29
WHO BUT YOUPoetry04/02/12 12:05
WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHINGPoetry03/29/12 20:19
Morning HealingPoetry03/28/12 14:57
BLACK BOYPoetry03/26/12 22:17
Reason and SeasonsPoetry03/25/12 22:25
SEARCHINGPoetry03/22/12 12:17
DADPoetry03/20/12 16:36
SHE SAID NOPoetry03/13/12 17:45
True ReflectionPoetry03/11/12 19:18
LOVEPoetry03/10/12 0:19
Dear ?Poetry03/01/12 23:40
WHERE I BELONGPoetry02/24/12 10:55
CAPTIVITYPoetry02/21/12 15:17
DO YOU KNOWPoetry02/20/12 22:24
TWO STRANGERSPoetry02/16/12 15:33
6.00 AMPoetry02/14/12 20:30
MEMORIESPoetry02/14/12 0:40
ROLE MODELPoetry02/11/12 10:43
MOTHERPoetry02/03/12 18:51
ABSENT BABY FATHERPoetry02/03/12 11:15
KNOWLEDGE IS STRENGTHPoetry02/02/12 22:28
CONSCIENCEPoetry02/01/12 8:57
LESSONS TO LEARNPoetry01/31/12 21:19
TO LATEPoetry01/29/12 18:39
YOUR WORTHPoetry01/29/12 13:25
TWO WAY PATHPoetry01/29/12 12:59
ENTWINEDPoetry01/27/12 22:32
ALONEPoetry01/27/12 18:37
GOAL LESS LIVINGPoetry01/27/12 16:19
ANOTHER LIFE LOSTPoetry01/26/12 16:23
02/24/12 8:31