Fancy imaginations be with vivid thoughts:
A beauty beholds the eye with gold velvet skin
Kiss`d by a heaven light.A curvaceous mould caress with close
Reposing on my lap tilting the head inclining an inch
To melt tenderly the lips;light shines severely dimming her shade
Strolling towards a picnic tree resting  there with pleasure.

Unrivall`d silence emboldens the church besieged with populace,
Kins and friends;with a sigh the reverend begins his part
And vows sincere are uttered in formality by turns.
A finger confound by the ring then a long kiss parting not
Momentarily with cheers rising and ululating from the mothers:
The whole church resonating with mirth and bliss.
Caught in this with a yearning heart,
Lingering loneliness weaves my veins.