Sometimes I wonder does God hear me when I pray long and hard
Does God hear me when I wish upon a star
Do you hear me lord when I pray for you to save my soul
Do you hear me God when I beg and plead for you to make me whole
I guess someone hears me because sometimes the breeze on my face is so cold
But the love in my heart is so pure
The song in my chest is so demure
I love you God with all my might, all my strife and all of my life
I hear the wind sometimes and it speaks to the blood in my veins
In my dreams I feel you take away the pain
I feel you in my mind
even as I write, you guide my pen as you guide my life
You speak to the oceans of emotions I feel everyday
You touch my being in a very special way
So who am I to question if you hear, because I feel you near my skin, touching and soothing my pores again and again
Even when I sin, you heal me all over again