I glanced it there at the back of his neck

And thought to open the handle 

Using kite string and rain.

I stopped the curious feline fingers

From spreading across him to the other

Because then I would have to let him sit

On the long grey chaise

With the green pillows

Plump and ripe for body heat.

No, he stated the opposition of such things.

Regrets and sugar cubes mingled with his words.

Bolted now was my parlor. 

I was quickly relieved.

Not realizing the lock was now broken

And door blown ajar by the wind.

It was too late to stop

The binding of our hands and feet

As the thunder drew near.

My other slipped across the lawn

Hiding in the shadows from the storm

To the secret window of his heart

And peaked into his soul.

Standing frozen in forgetfulness

As flesh turned to stone

Waiting outside the glass 

For his wairua to gaze back at me.