Forgive me if I tremble
Or shimmer when I shake
There's been a fire burning inside of me yearning to escape
Forgive me if I stumble
Or stammer when I speak
Many days I dreamt of you
You kept me awake as I tumbled through my sleep
Forgive me if I fall flat stupid on my face
It is you that makes my knees go weak
Yet you stand my saving grace
As if every star fell on you
And hit you in the face
Ten thousand dreams came true
All at one moment
All at one place
Forgive me for in your eyes I will linger
You flat out cast a spell on me
You got me with your stinger
You lovely bumble bee
Forgive me if I questions dreams that come true
The elation I feel from you brings trepidation to me
My shaking heart grows full in your lovely company
Forgive my every moment
My existence for goodness sake
I hope you know I thank God for you
Fall to my knees every morning
The moment I awake
Forgive me if I smoother you with unworthy company
It is the person I have become
Not the person I will be
Forgive me for having to live with you
After all you are the reason I'm alive
I will bring you lots of flowers
I'll bring the pollen to the hive
Forgive me for labeling you a lovely bumble bee
It is you that made all my dreams come true
My Queen Honey Bee
Carey Yoquelet
February 23 2017