my man is in the grasp of an enemy. i must get him back. i will do whatever it takes. i must retrieve what i have lost from those dark depths.
i have these desires this overwhelming power of sexuality in side of my being. it was the reason i was created my my Father Zeus, I am Aphrodite, i can do anything.
i know i must travel the darkest paths to finish my quest. My decisions are vital, i cannot let my worshippers down by losing the honor they instilled upon me and fought to uphold against other suitors. I must retrieve Ares
i tutor the women of the world in how they are and who they are and the quest set before me by that evil enemy will lead me to break oaths taken. Oh Zeus, im so confused. Help me, as a father not as a God. Wait! No! he will be ashamed of my choice
i stand for love and honor, loyalty and sexuality now Hades has asked me to cast my spell upon a mortal so he is irretrievably, irrevecably in love with me. Then to all chargrin i must crush this mans eart in my fist and my fist alone. Only this ultimate wil allow Ares back into my rose garden and into my arms
i long for that day. when my happiness results in the reflourishing of my white roses. where the horizons around my home are beautiful and welcoming. nat daunted and desolate covered wit grey skies and rain. i miss my sunrises and sunsets.
i miss my mountains, my waterfalls. i miss the glades through green forests wet with dew. or the evergreen forests covered with snow and bluebells. i miss walking along my soft sanded beach hand in and with my man, my love.
im so confused.
i must complete this quest if i am to have these wishes again. So ungodly to want as i do now. how my people would hate me if they saw there queen now
So. I must find a man. learn his desire. and give it and myself to him. i will do this. i will not fail.