They say that humans are made in the image of G-d. So we are all G-ds. Naturally because we are all better than everyone else at at least one thing no matter how diluted this one thing is.  

They also say that G-d is whoever we want him/her to be. Well i want my G-d to be Jimi Hendrix. Whenever i say 'Oh My G-d!' in frustration or pleasure or with any other feeling, i am subsequently imposing my thoughts to Jimi Hendrix. If i were to pray at the foot of my bed at night, these prayers would also be to Mr Hendrix. 

So you could say MY religion is the Flower Power religion(just to give it a name), My G-d is Hendrix, his son would be Dylan(i know technically older in human years and still alive) and the holy ghost would be Jim Morrison. The bibles are made up by the albums they have each recorded. The words of my G-d. Genesis being Bob Dylan's Blues, and so on.

I wonder how many others see the world in this fashion. Maybe i could start a cult.....