There’s always a time…That one little moment where you wish the clock would turn back.

Maybe just to make the stress go away….Maybe because you miss some one. Think about your most fond memory for a second and try to magnify it while I vent……

Ready ?

For me that time would have to be when I was eight.

Crystal clear blue ocean and sand so blindingly white it would hurt your retinas if stared at too long.

I want that back…Hell I’d even take being five again if I could.

 I just hate the feeling, of knowing so many and drifting away…Maybe I’m careless, maybe I fail as a friend. But I want to be selfish for a moment and have those moments back. Sunny days in Florida with a big black great Dane lounging lazily by my chair, daddy at the grill and my round cheeked baby sister playing with the sand. Mom smiled a lot more, and I know for a fact I slept well at night. As soundly as I could with my parents a room away. I miss the laughter….But he’s away so much it can‘t be helped. I miss her spontaneity…..though she’s trying her best. But its my sister who misses us all….what we used to be. We’re a strange family now, fractured. And I can’t help but feel relieved that at least we have a semblance of what we were. Dad’s gray hairs are showing…Mom’s laughter is dwindling…..And I’m still writing. My sister just takes pictures in the background with a big grin….Who knows ? Maybe time machines are possible.