My man is the ethereal manifestation of my every desire.

He is the fire that jump started my palpating heart

He taught this girl to love.

A dove could not be as gentle; he tenderly rocks me in his arms

Safe from harm and in his perfect love I have no fear.

For every tear he has a kiss, for every concern a perfect solution.

My very constitution he knows my heart, my thoughts and every secret part of me.

My man is the undaunted anchor that secures me from the abyss.

He is the presence I can never miss because he is ingrained into my heart and soul.

Before the Earth was old, before division of land and sea

My man knew me; out of the void he called my name

And for it I'll never be the same, through his grace

I have transcended race, age, nationality, and gender.

His love for me renders the love of any other obsolete.

He completes the unfulfilled spectrum of my personality.

The reality of this rhapsody helps me maintain my chastity

As the world vastly degenerates into sin.

My man is that light within, the needle of truth in a haystack of lies.

Open your eyes "For we wrestle not against Flesh and Blood"

I'm not talking about a brotha crafted from mud,

Or a six inch lever that releases floods.

Or, ladies, that snake swaddled in breathing silk.

You know the one that likes to make its own milk.

I'm not talking about 6ft of chocolate delight,

With strawberry lips you could taste all night.

I'm talking about my everything both father and brother.

That melody that my heart sings to, my friend my lover.

I'm talking about my healer, the teacher to every student,

The giver of all perfect gifts who's wise and prudent.

My man, my Savior, who lifts me higher than where the eagles fly.

The only real man in my life who for me set the stars in the nights sky

The only man that will never forsake me and if I'm lucky when I die

I'll continue to be with him in heaven when I open up my eyes.