I shall succeed much to the dismay of loathsome peers
Surmounting to the surmit atopping the helm with suave finesse,
Galloping in full steed winning and not yet resting on my laurels
Creating a new watershed for success shining like a beacon on a shore.
My desire to keep the wolf at bay surpasses that of a pride of lions in the bush
Hunting springboks to nourish their cubs dashing viscerally in youthful splendour,
My incessant will is like a fort knowing no surrender or relinquish
Staying true to itself only barring out all that mires the soul making one feel inferior.
Pompous heckney hearsays are being spread about me in my community
With capricious and pernicious malice metastasizing like some obviate infection;
Their ulterior motive is to chaff out the truth with a horrendous portrait of insanity
The one depicting me as a lunatic self-serving just a mere speckle on a horizon.
My glass is half full with broad prospects to sojourn in enthrallment
Excursing the globe as it is my oyster and still not be a sell-out.