The firmaments saturate the bleak sky surly with dark nimbus,
A bolt streaks murderously bringing day at night only momentarily
Then the downpour ensues deafening with a cacophony of decibels
Tormenting the ear his majesty making a point for all humanity.
The miscreants and delinquents hover on the streets with menace
Shrilling their murky song of looter loitering slyly with dull swagger,
Come what may they pounce nefariously with hearts inured by conscience
To them taking one's life is a small issue and not a debatable matter.
Daybreak clears offing the stale silhouettes of the nocturnal night;
Little ovation comes from the depleted heart weary of affliction,
A banal year has eclipsed and another bland one is poking its snort
With same days and same weeks dragging us to another span.
A stilted flicker of noble hope still resides somewhere in my soul
Taming the rising disgust a little arousing sane thinking wilful.