Why did this happen to me?
Born to be depressed and shy
with horrible anxiety
Why did this happen to me?
Born to become an addict
an alcoholic junkie
Why did this happen to me?
To grow up molested by family
until the age of nineteen
Why did this happen to me?
To grow up always second best to
my sissy
Why did this happen to me?
To grow up a chubby and ugly kid
with no self-esteem
Why did this happen to me?
Someone afraid to talk to people
someone antisocially
Why did this happen to me?
To be so promiscuous
embarrassed because of this
Why did this happen to me?
to have three kids
but never married
These are just some of the questions
that twirl in my head over and over
When I look back at all the horror and
agony I endured-I’m amazed I prevailed,
but that’s exactly what I did