Through white window panes,
I stare into the night
Away in the distance
The moon shines so bright
And faintly I hear
That familiar sound
Of cars passing by
And an old basset hound
I can picture the pond
The reflection so clear
Of the moon and the trees
And of you, my dear
And later we listened
To drifting melodies
Your coarse, calloused fingers
Soft on the ivory keys
We laughed that night
But the laughs turned to tears
Because we knew after that
I wouldn’t see you for years
What you whispered at last
Stays in my memory
Just like your strong hands
When you held me so tenderly
I think of that summer 
With an ache in my heart 
Because I know in my head
We’re destined to be apart
So for now I’ll just lay here
Hoping sleep will come soon
Because you’re all that I think of
When I see that bright moon