you're gonna make it that i sell my soul

its gonna happen that i break my wrist and you wreck my neck

all so that i work with you

you entice my out of the darkness

elicit light through blindness i see you walk towards me

arms outstretched you cling your silhouette to reality

but why do i see you looking to the left

you want me, but eye contact is to painful

i just want to sleep, wake up and feel righteous

a flick of your chin and i feel possible enlightenment doubtful

you chased a dream away just with that. i so wanted to help

but its dissipated just as quickly as i arrived

time to rise out of the ashes of rejection just like a phoenix

i will have my vengeance against your deceiving deception

now NOW pin that 'A' on your breast and let the world see what you are

what you were willing to do 

just for a little fun and confusion just when it suited you

my neck and wrist are sore yet in repair

you cannot remove yourself for ego, not even if you dare