In the mind of a depressive

Down a bottle of gin

Becomes aggressive

He lost his will

His life

A fight begins

He gets hisself kicks in the chin

Slumps down by the bin

Take me away

don’t touch me

They kicked him close to the death line

He wanted it in his own mind

In the mind of a depressive

Out arrive the bill

He asks what took you so long

I could have been killed

Take me away

don’t touch me

Enough questions to drive a man mad

Someone who already has it pretty bad

He lost what it was he had

He didn’t know what it was until late

The hour was late and he turned to hate

He was scrabbling along the pavement

It was his new life that he had taken to

Depressed the chill a wave sent

Down his back to his shoes

He wanted to die


Take me away

don’t touch me