Once Upon A Time.

Sweet cherry pie and dreams so nice
A special little twinkle in the eye
Secret words spoken into the night
The innocence of being shy.

Days of summer and days of gold
The taking on of familiar roles
With promises of growing old
The matching up of lost souls.

Playing games, and giving names,
Dreams of wanting to run away,
Writing poetry without the shame,
The sun always shining on another day.

A deep desire to know more,
A wanting to indulge and to explore.
The having of someone to adore,
A longing to not longer be ignored,

Once upon a time, in days gone by,
This was yours, and this was mine,
But now...
It breaks my heart to think of you,
How we lost that dream made for two,
We thought we'd built on foundations of stone,
We gave it walls and a ceiling, and called it a home.
And now...
I am trying to survive, but it hard to stay alive,
When all the questions equate to a question why,
Why we won the battle, but we lost the war?
Did we in all honesty, win anything at all?