The rain woke me up today...
Pounding at my window slanted sideways trying to get in through the seal.
The deep swelling of my anger building repulsed that I could not shut off this alarm clock.
This fucking wake up call, to a flooded parking lot.
All the rage inside me brimming to the rim like the nasty city water bubbling down the gutters.
Ripping the branches from the trees and lifting rocks out of their beds.
Fury echoing down in pounding hail, and head splitting thunder.
Wake up bitch!
I am bigger than you!
Stinging fat drops of rain say.
And so I fester in my hatred.
Swirling in my whirlpool of flood waters.
Of weather advisories.
As far as I can see the sky touches the ground with its smoky humid rain.
And the ground bounces back as if in rejection, repelling the water down the slopes of asphalt.
Clogging the concrete sewers and dirty creeks with rubbish.
Water backs up like the rage in my body.
Pounding my inner recesses with the foul apprehension, that has been growing whilst my pre-determined resolve has been playing in the sunshine.
And the lighting cracks open the sky, splintering the faith I have built in balance.
Revealing to me the dark tide that still rips away at any solidity within me.
The anger that resides deep in the core of my being.
I want to scream at the sky in response to its authority…
Fuck you!
To fling my bird high into the sky!
But I know that it is pointless.
That inane actions like that, could push me over the edge and into the depths of insanity.
Into the swirling currents that will wash me out to sea.
Dragging me down into the aquatic darkness where my voice will be drowned and the wrath that has taken my spirit will make me drinks gulps of brackish water.
Burning my lungs for eternity.
My vehemence turns sour…
Mocking the smell of pissed off rain.
I make no attempt to hide my lividity.
I steam just as the air does.
I go out and feel the nasty little ice barbs strike my bare skin.
Taunting me.
Reminding me I’m not in charge.
Surging my emotions forth with the roll of thunder,
I stand there until I can take no more.
My face is lined resentment and regret, my body aches with the knowledge that I arbor such animosity in the depths of my own inner ocean…
Waves crash over me as a retreat from the torrent of repugnant raindrops.
Confronted by this storm of truth I am silenced in my ferocity.
Sunk by the weight of my conscience.
I invite the tide to pull me out to the briny sea.
To pickle me with this look of condemnation on my face.
I watch the storm outside my window with foggy cataracts, and the cascade of rain seems to pour through my body.
Backing up and breaking dams.
Bursting through the barrages I have decorated with sand and flowers.
Removing the temporary foundation I have worked so hard to import.
The clouds darken while daylight hours are cut short, slaughtered by the storm's supremacy.
And I listen to the rain, take over everything.
I listen to it saturate my world.