The fire will burn through paper like it doesn’t exist. And the lightning will flash through the sky like a bolt. A split second here and then gone. that’s the way the heart beats. The power comes from zeus. The god of war and Olympus. But what must we do to see our gods. We must die. They get to live forever and eternity is nothing but we must die after pitiful moments fleeting through dark alleyways and between silvery giant buildings. It would be worthwhile if magic were real. Zeus put it onto us. He started the whoring. Its his fault, and yes for once I will use that word. Fault! Accidents do happen but when there is a cause and effect the causer should be brought to fault. Zeus. It is your fault we live so short lives. It is your fault necks are thin and easy to slice with knives.  It is your fault that we must worry about our afterlife. Will we see you or will we see Hades. I much rather Hades he is less shady. Your beard maybe white but from Olympus all you see is grey. The grey clouds that you formed to keep us from knowing truths that we are able to grasp. Just trust us. It is your fault we do not trust. We have become one eyed Cyclops evil and betrayed burnt retinas with blurred vision appealing to good nature where it is not in existence it is all your bloody fault. Zeus. You are accountable for all the bad for all the hate for all the anger that the world has shown since you walked its fine sands and trod its silky waters. Zeus Zeus Zeus, why couldn’t you just apologise to those brothers of yours its been a long time. All will be white. All will be the best it could be if you just accepted, come down and speak to us. No holograms, face us through a tv screen and stamp on our moral issues with aplomb, tell us how to do it all zeus, forgiveness will come, from us and Hades and Poseidon. You never know when love will shine through.