I read in the New York Times
about the possibility
of multiple universes
Such theories the article
notes require a deep understanding
of advanced mathematics
far beyond what I
could ever possibly muster
I take the physicists
at their word
But if true
I recognize that there
might be a universe
in which you and I
never met
and another universe
in which we met
but did not fall in love
and another where we met
and fell in love
but that love did
not take hold
I have no interest in such places
What I know for certain
is that in the universe
in which I write these words,
we did meet and we did
fall in love
and then you died
And now, I think only
of the universe in which
you and I sit
on your sofa and
I casually mention
the article I’ve just read
about multiple universes
And you smile back
and say how good it is
to know that.