Love Your Fuckin' Money.
Stepping off the fuckin' bus tripping over the fuckin' tourists
Who litter the dirty fuckin' streets documenting their fuckin' visits
With 'I was fuckin' here' poses and their 'can't wait to show my fuckin' friends' smiles
Flash fuckin' flash go those fuckin' cameras as I shield my fuckin' eyes.
I cut my way through them, I am in a fuckin' hurry,
Yet they linger like fuckin' statues, as they side-fuckin'-step in my way,
I tut fuckin' tut, sigh fuckin' sigh, as that is the English fuckin' fashion,
And they apologize with their eyes, and nods in my fuckin' direction.
We love your money (your fuckin' money),
We love your money (your fuckin' hard earned money),
We love your money (we'll take every fuckin' penny),
We love your money (yeah we love your fuckin' money).
On every street fuckin' corner, is a fuckin' stall, selling the same old fuckin' tat,
This and fuckin' that, 101 things covered in our beloved union fuckin' jack,
The seller gives the same old fuckin' chat, then turns as he stabs the fuckin' tourist in the back,
Knowing that the fuckin' shit he sells, is made in China or some fuckin' place like that.
I find the fuckin' pub, and check my fuckin' watch as I enter the doorway,
Slightly early of the allotted time, but I glance around the fuckin' bar anyway,
Gonna meet with some friends, to do the same old fuckin' things,
Tell the same old fuckin' stories, and complain about every-fuckin'-thing.
We love your money (your fuckin' money),
We love your money (your fuckin' hard earned money),
We love your money (we'll take every single fuckin' penny),
We love your money (yeah we love your fuckin' money).
We love you and love your fuckin' money,
We love you and love fuckin' love all your money,
We love your money (love your fuckin' money),
We love your money (and we want every fuckin' penny),
We love love love love all your fuckin' money,
We love love love love all your fuckin' money,
We want, want, want want, all your fuckin' money,
We need, need, need, need, all your fuckin' money.

Inspired by the style of John Cooper Clarke, Daisy Chainsaw's 'Love Your Money',
and a trip into London to meet a friend.