Chapter I

"Bring the girl !" ordered the leader

of the cult - under the starry sky and a

full glowing moon, which often

disappeared behind a handful of clouds

- known as the ‘Worshippers of

Energy’.  As the girl was brought for

sacrifice, the members came closer to

the altar.


The dreadful face of the

leader was seen in the knife offered

by one of the member.


“What is the

need for a knife?” a voice was heard

from a corner of the dark cave. “Who

said it?” questioned the angry leader.

”O' master, please forgive them.

These are the two new worshippers I was

talking about yesterday”, said a member in husky voice. The leader

tried to search for the source of this

reply, and was finally relieved to see

some white teeth and a pair of

yellowish eyes.

“The girl will be sacrificed tonight!

Remember, we are the ‘Worshippers

of Energy’. A woman is the highest

source of energy for us. She gives

birth and cares for the child. She

feeds him and she plays God for every

human! By sacrificing this little

virgin, we will gain the hidden

source of energy and eventually

become the most powerful men!

Come closer my followers, to

experience the ultimate power! ” A

muffled shriek was heard by some beings, with their faces

covered by blood.



Chapter II


“Why can’t you tell me, if you are

feeling sleepy?” said Roma with an

annoyed look towards her husband,

Vishwas. He suddenly opened his

eyes and saw some scrambled

tomato and beetroot pieces on the

chopping board. “You will cut your

fingers this way! You were

awake till 4 in the morning. Go and

rest for some time. I’ll get you a cup

of coffee” said Roma, as Vishwas

went to his room.

Along with the boiling of the coffee

in the kitchen, soft sound of keys

being pressed was heard in the

adjoining room. As Roma entered the

room, she looked surprisingly at

Vishwas, as he was keying in something.

The screen read “The Worshippers of


Now, if he wishes, the

intelligent reader may refer to the
