The Best Idea
- Details
- Written by: bcpetrakos
- Category: Poetry
- Hits: 1503
The best idea is laid to rest and considered daily
The best idea is hope filled and challenged it hesitates and wonders
The best idea has wings
the best idea is hiding in a shack in Bolivia
the best idea put a ring on the ankle and fell from a great height t
this is what became of the best idea
it didn't function after the war
it stopped caring
it forbears
it is the best idea in a long time
and it is not original
The best idea had a knife at a gunfight
a willing heart to a con-artist convention
a perspective of value when there is none
it is the best idea
but it lacks in wisdom
it happens in the heat of the moment
at the presence of isolation
at the moment of truth
the best idea raises its head
and roars as if it had teeth
it is the best idea
not a good idea
not a sound idea
just the one that is considered
because we love to pretend we are
present and in control
so we go
so we stay
so we make out self's invisible until
we have to resort to the truth