I want to remain the stranger I am
Walking the streets unaided; indifferently gazing
So that when I sit upon that hill
My dreams are not silenced against my will.
And the weeding fields beneath my feet
Are as punished and wild as the soul inside of me
Wildest winds,
Mirror the courage I have, to not change tack
Give me strength to not look back.
I have been made companion to
The stranger I am.
The World would see me and my wrongs
Would chant in hymn to the words of my songs
And written words to me, would be
The profound sound of banality
Disclosing they love me, secrets and lies
That I would grow to despise
I see madness in time
Materialise in my prime
Rivers to cross would be made of bridges and boats
The skies would not seem so far away.
The stars would then be in my eyes
By night and even by day
Wildest winds,
Mirror the courage I have, to not change tack
Give me strength to not look back.
I have been made companion to
The stranger I am.
I have yet to see the east
To taste the valley of spices and sweets
And sit beneath the shade ‘til eve
Resting in the sun’s last rays
Bidding the butterflies goodbye
As they
Elude the shadows along their way.
And then again, I think about that hill
And that old lonely house that sits there
The cold air that freezes your hair
In the most savage of winter dreams
That country neither here nor there
To which I am a stranger.
Wildest winds,
Mirror the courage I have, to not change tack
Give me strength to not look back.
I have been made companion to
The stranger I am.