square eyes from dusk till doom
- Details
- Written by: soi-disant
- Category: Prose
- Hits: 1848
a burnt out computer sits on the floor in the middle of the room. square eyes rotate fixing on objects through the gloom. you have been in here so long that you think you see her even though you know she's gone. You have had enough rush to the door. And stop. reach for
the handle, but the passion has already dropped. out there. do it. warm or cold. cannot know for sure. realize you are being too bold yet. let me tell you, i have sat on the step of the stairs, crying and staring through the living room window. cars go by so fast, like time now, they used to be slow. the noise reminds you of her leaving in that cab. now how this thought makes you sad. but don't you know, your life can get better from here, only if you stop the regret of losing her. So come now, chin up, chin up i say. Get rid of those square eyes. come out from the fantasy of T.V. darkness. you will see happier times ahead.