the creature came through the darkness. but with the shadow thankfully still covering his hideously scarred features. the heinous gashes are from battles previously fought. gun shot holes and stabbed blades leaving their mark.
now we stand face to face or at least twenty paces apart. im the pretty boy they have all been chasing and now i have been chased down to this alley alongside a particularly enjoyable bar. He is a sheriff of the US Marshalls and he is the best of the trackers, i knew that he would track me eventually, i was actually surprised i made it this far. I guess i had a little pride in staying one town ahead of the law for quite sometime. It had enriched the reward against my skull. I had seen the nails piercing my head through wanted posters.i have killed men. shot through their loving hearts. some i wanted to, some i needed to and some were unfortunate casualties - why did they have to try and stop me! I'm the quickest gun in this state, they all know that. although no one has ever seen the sheriff draw. Just rumors that he is the only one to match me. Am i worried. Pa! No!
He calls put. "lets get down to business!"
i dont hesitate, the survivor is the one who lands the first punch, im the criminal so what do i care about protocol or decency. my pistol sounds
i see him fall. but so am i. why am i falling
i fall to the ground my stomach is pulsating blood through my fingers that i have clenched there to halt bleeding. this isnt working. this wasnt part of the plan. im the pretty boy that everyone is meant to succumb to.
Then i start to wonder. i saw him fall, who shot me?
i hear boots crumbling gravel over to my right and i turn my head to the right.i see the boots then i pan my eyes to the face of the boots. its him, the sheriff. no wound! but he fell,
"How?" i mumbled meakly.
as he started to talk i passed out of conscience, my mind flitted up to the skies but my soul went south. no rest for the wicked. no love lost. not even for the pretty boy. i would have to wait a long time to discover how my end came about. another 17 years before the sheriff passed on to this purgatory middle ground where i stand. i was waiting at the station for him and ambushed him when he stepped from the flaming carriage.
He told me my long awaited desire.
why purgatory for us, you ask.
me, well, i killed men but my argument for eternal peace was that i was one of the prettiest boys ever created.
for the sheriff. well, he killed men, his redeeming factor was not that he was good looking but he killed only when necessary.