Budding petals intrigue the eye with splendour of hue
Swaying mildly in the sweet breeze of daybreak
With swarthy bats swooping from their alcoves
Dancing in the air with their squeaky cries.
The muffled silence is like a harp strung by the deities
A writer`s heaven to gentrify your ruminations
Sieving them aptly like a sieve and putting on paper
The best ones.
The apple of my eye still rest on my lap holding my affection
An she is my Hera the Greek goddess of love,
We chase life`s trivialities with each passing day engrossed
In humour of lovey-dovey couple cherishing each other`s worth
Making each day last an eternity.
The intermittent showers have prevailed over the seeming drought
The tributaries abut to the streams which in turn flow
To the dams,we owe gratitude to Mvelingqangi
With her empirical rain goddess Nomkhubulwane
And yet we still beseech for more of that precious liquid gold.