Fortunate!Mellow Spring Belle Devoid Of Earth Dust;
The unsavoury incense incarcerating lechery
Their sin to corrupt the most upright devotee of God
To stray the innate sage and wander to the abyss.
Hear me out,pure of heart cleansed of sin
Render not the abject clay to clout reason,
Love sees faith in the utmost brutal chronicles
Defying any earth rasps to enslave the pure heart.
Fortunate! What`s more precious than a ruby
Nor an onyx gleaming enticingly with kaleidoscopic color,
Your name to me is more precious than a ravishing lily
Dancing in immemorial dirges of canonical times over-lamented;
The livid sweet utterance of your name rest calm
To my upheaved spirit,so long lambasted by paralytic eaves
With seeming sense.
Tell me not of tragedy,I urge with a sincere plea.
My whole life is written of tragedy earmarking every glory
I chase,I will be your Don Quixote most faithful
And you will be my Monalisa most ravishing with natural beauty.
Here lies a treaty to be signed duly with the onset of the
Sickle`s breath,there lies a woo court to assert my unequivocal
Admiration I have towards you;
Bring not a pen to sign this treaty,love sees the dwindling
Light of day despite the masking dusk.
What is written can be re-written,a law can be overruled!
Hear me out,pure of heart cleansed of sin
I love you with all the love left in my lonely heart.