In the grand scheme of things, twenty two seems small,
But when it comes to lives, that's not the case at all.
On Monday the 22nd of May in 2017,
At a concert in Manchester, that was the scene.
The scene where took place something terrible,
Breaking many hearts, leaving holes...irreparable.
It began as an evening full of joy, music and laughter,
No one expected what was to come after.
It was an awful terror crime, a bomb attack,
Twenty two lives it took, never to be given back.
Over a hundred wounded, injuries both big or small,
Whether we were there on not, it affected us all.
One feeling was felt by all who heard; devastation,
Anger and sadness engulfed the entire nation.
My heart goes out to you all, with your lost family and friends,
It must be so hard, to know you can't see them again.
To express myself I write, meaning every word is true,
And so to those twenty two, this is my tribute to you.
To the eight year old girl who died so young,
You shall not be forgotten, along with the other twenty one.
You had your entire life ahead of you, this I know,
It breaks my heart and I weep knowing that you had to be let go.
To the girl who's mum searched for her while never giving up Hope,
You were yet another with who's death with which we must cope.
I hear you had dreams of being a singer or a music teacher,
For the loss of your life, your voice and your dreams, I shed a tear.
To the woman who shielded her niece from the blast,
I am so sorry that you have breathed your last.
I hope that your niece is proud of you,
You are a hero, the world shall miss you.
I know that there were more who died, if only I could mention you all,
I cannot continue, my hands are shaking and my tears threaten to fall.
To the twenty two men, women and children, I can say this at least,
In a place better than here, may you all rest in peace.
And a quick message to those affected by the attack so undue,
Stay strong and my thoughts and prayers go out to you,
A final tearful goodbye to you, those twenty two.