
  • Daily Revalations

    Deprived of affection and a sense of belonging
    one retires to a sanctuary of isolation.
    Arraigned by the acute pain of rejection
    the walls become his or her world.
  • Father dearest

    I've never been one to judge, 
    But it's come time for your reckoning. 
    Justified injustice of character, 
    Quite subpar. 
  • Her Broken Heart

    A ripped shell holds the inevitable
    The lost vow thought unbreakable
    Her swollen core cracking slowly
    Freeing the feelings she thought so lowly
  • Memory

    My lifeless body roams the way a ghost does its' ancient mansion walls
     Invisible, I stumble through the world with a mask praying it doesn't fall 
     You destroyed me.
     Murdered my soul and shattered my spirit
     I am smashed stained glass -
     I am out together but in fractured pieces 
     I am transparent
  • One more try

    I yearn for death in the small of my back,

    Every crack in my bones ache for the pain. 

    I crave the feeling of a blade vertically down my wrist 

    The slipping of consciousness.

  • Our America

    The rich are bored with their money,
    Yet the poor are still starving.
    Hookers and strippers sell themselves to support a family,
    And congress laughs and spends money on pointless things.
  • Puppeteer

    You ask if my heart was yours to own

    And I say 

    My heart was broke so no, though my soul I give thee to hold

    Your soul? What could I do with that? You asked as you grasped the small white flame
  • Stand Alone

    Stand alone girl,
    You are making it better, even alone, those arms will never hold you again, neither you will see their smile nor their shadows.

    That one who smiled at you on your triumph, yes he is smiling like an evil, then this one who cheers for you might not be cheering,
    But you still believe, cause you're ingenuous.

    Stand alone before all around you tries to drag you down,
    Cause one's victory isn't a beautiful story for others.
  • Synonym for sadness

    These are a few of the words I use to describe myself. 
  • The Sea Of Trees

    The Year Is 1538:
    His back ached with the burden of his mother, and though he silently cursed himself for his lack of stamina and overall fitness, he managed to find solace in the fact that he would only have to carry her for a few more hours. The sun dwindled behind the trees and the light was filtered into broken shards of yellow. Sweat fell from his glistening forehead, and the droplets landed next to falling twigs.
  • Twenty Two

    In the grand scheme of things, twenty two seems small,
    But when it comes to lives, that's not the case at all.
    On Monday the 22nd of May in 2017,
    At a concert in Manchester, that was the scene.
    The scene where took place something terrible,
    Breaking many hearts, leaving holes...irreparable.