Who in need deeds to understand
While inside Heather I AM her man
As mourning melts Cumming snow
We drip our sweet red juicy souls
Hairs entangle in hands of rage
Inside a tight and sultry cage
Nights about to devour dawn
If I were you I’d hold on!
Secrets mash against our kisses
So many appetizing human dishes
Tugs and struggles in low level light
In this lowdown copulating fight
We exist in monk free zones
Where love is best left at home
Where prying and dying coexist
For life has given us the fist
Orgasms in leather belt bit moans
Human mouths with thoroughbred foam
Forced down lips touch kitchen floor tiles
Love’s gone past that last secret mile
This is where I dial up my Heather
Riling up her fancy peacock feathers
Whip and snap of red stain leather
Heather lay naked in hot wet weather
Here all men would comfortably die
In only red panther stripes on her side
As steam makes love to lasting sin
No longer do we need pretend
In our death penalty disease
Out of bounds has been set free
Exhaling sizzles from Satan Nostrils
Dragon fires burn cigarette skin spirals
Tugging on sweat wet soaking hair
Like a little doe under a grizzly bear
She says I hate you and I say you swear!
This makes us burn like roadside flares
Untamed whenever she’s restrained
Holding onto each other’s mane
Staring down each other’s mire
Our next stop Satan’s sex fire
I manipulate my finger dance scene
Pleasure fills her shriveling screams
Large black pupils sync our souls
Spreading her wings heat unfolds
Then pounce like night onto day
The final scene in our final play
Exhausted, molested then exulted
We lye in pools of “we almost lost it”
So if you should ever see
This tilted love
From Heather and me
In red painted hands
Or on yellow seas
Who in need deeds to understand
Heather lye naked in my weathered hands
In Trust lust has found the back door key
We are members of a dying breed
So let Heather and my leather
Snap, crackle and bleed
Let imagination be fearlessly free
Floating upon the Dead Red Seas
Leather, Heather, lips, hips, whips and me
And of course that perfect human emotion
Intrigue without devotion!