And he decided finally

That he will start tomorrow

On a bright sunday morning

His first spring walk

And he might circumambulate also, ‘been a while’ he thought

And say his prayers by and by...


For his old mother back home

And might give his dad a call and apologize

For leaving home to get this taste of the city life


He made up his mind, as determined as ever this time

And also made a promise to himself

That he will not fail this time,

That he will not let his determination tumble

This time he will make it right, everything right


But he failed in all, yet again

He did not do his walk, or circumambulate

Or say his prayer for his old mother back home

Nor did he call his dad to apologize


He failed yet again to do everything

Everything that he thought he would do

But not because he had less determination this time

And not because he did not want to either

But because he had decided that he would do it tomorrow

On a bright Sunday morning

His eyes never saw the dawn

He never smelt the fresh morning wind of the bright Sunday morning

For he had only today to live for