i was young, tasteless and tactless.

for many a short period of time; each on their own yet built up into an extreme lifetime, i was left to my own irresponsible devices.

i was ill fated, untrusted and sullied just like those champions of ancient greece. rear ended by a spear that loomed larger than life yet smaller than a human brain. 


somewhere i wa ravaged and savaged just like the body of jesus christ, or a culprit perp after he has been stitched by the cops after a fuckin bank heist.

somewhere, yes, and then something told me that somehow i would get the kiss first. and it was today infact. whats mine is yours oh brother, you had an opportunity, but you cant be first. its this raw english blood that streams the st george claret, my life was ever altered and i never faltered.

the reward is that i loved it all, i loved doing it with you. i will win that girls heart before i fall.