When you move you see it. The excess. Too much stuff as Eric Bibb would say. Or was it Taj Mahal. Both great incidentally. We mechanically recover as much as we can and store it all in these houses that we come to adore. What significance each man made plastic or metal or wooden object has. What sentimentality we give to the grains. Our wonder objects. Perfect possessions. Sought after gifts and treasures. Then what do we do. How about a few more. Yeah lets Horde.
The house is getting fuller and fuller. Almost so much stuff its like clutter. Here there and everywhere just stick it over there in the corner. WHAT! that’s not the way you should treasure and treat your wonderful plastics. Have you noticed the smaller it is the more precious. But at Christmas we are always more excited by the big parcels. Apparently bigger means more costly. But mostly it’s the little things. Love and cherish all of it all of the time. You can only try. Than what do we do. By Jove! just to impress our friends who we claim to make us unlonely we disregard it all. We say ‘that’s my stuff. Over there.’ as if it was insignificant. Cant show emotions, oh no. Not in front of our judgemental, emphasis on mental, friends.
Ha! I figured you all out. So are you feeling happy. Content inside. Breathe a little slower. You might get lucky and possess, gain access to everything in the world.