going against time and it seems i always fight to live.

its hard because my ear keeps burning when theres

an edgy man nearby with something to give

can i make it down this dark alley

my hands are white and my legs are shaking

i have tried all of the meds on offer

but i swear this one remains the most exhilerating

my future stops at twenty seven

i no, i have to get a move on, i have to get serious then

but the edgy man is calling, im busy with flying gas

the world will have to wait for me


but it didnt wait for the big bang, the human race, individual explosions,

and all that runs rabid in the minds airwaves


oh they say there is a time and a place for it all

but where else do they want me to go

should we delve into imagination here today

or must we stay rooted in obscure reality

lease tell me where to go

where should i go

if i cannot stay here


now im picking up what i hope will be

what relinquishes all of my fears

its all going to help me if i let 

i never know which direction this boat steers.