lights are blinding,

as the streets begin unwinding.

tomorrows are never ending

money never lending.


seek out the perfect wish from the devils fire

dig deep into the bottomless soggy myre

seek the secret, strong like vinegar

if you got nothin else to do, then, ring her

its all on the edge of a wire through the flambouyance

you have to bypass naivity and wallow in  modest arrogance


stars are falling

walls are collapsing

waves tremendous cascading

still money never lending


homes and houses broken like pig stys

food and water dry like martinis with olive on rye

stiff like chefs whites a fresh starch collar pokes the eye

brilliant white, flambouyant yellow

all you got left to do is fall asleep, hope theres a pillow

its all leads to those never ending, long awaited life changing tomorrows