Learn Or Burn? I am human just like you, Arms and legs, two and two, Eyes and ears, two as well, And one nose with which to smell, The only differences I can detect, Are the ways we use our intellects. There are those who believe, There are those who think, There are those who believe they think, There are those who think that they believe, And those who simply can't conceive, Of anything other than what they've been told, Are they incapable of being, just a little bit bold?

And questioning that which they've been taught, Perhaps even introducing an original thought. So think for yourself, but do not condemn, Life should not be a game of us and them, The aim should be to educate, To enlighten minds, not to berate. We should communicate in a civilised fashion, About that which arouses so much passion, So perhaps with time some may think, For themselves and break the link. Because from our history we should have learned, That once the books start being burned, It isn't long before we see, That those with whom the fire raisers disagree, Will Replace the books, to fuel the fire, Reignition of a vast funeral pyre! Tom Higgins 23/09/2012

Learn Or Burn?

I am human just like you,
Arms and legs, two and two,
Eyes and ears, two as well,
And one nose with which to smell,
The only differences I can detect,
Are the ways we use our intellects.
There are those who believe,
There are those who think,

There are those who believe they think,
There are those who think that they believe,
And those who simply can't conceive,
Of anything other than what they've been told,
Are they incapable of being, just a little bit bold?
And questioning that which they've been taught,
Perhaps even introducing an original thought.
So think for yourself,but do not condemn,
Life should not be a game of us and them,
The aim should be to educate,
To enlighten minds, not to berate.
We should communicate in a civilised fashion,
About that which arouses so much passion,
So perhaps with time some may think,
For themselves and break the link.
Because from our history we should have learned,
That once the books start being burned,
It isn't long before we see,
Those with whom the fire raisers disagree,
Replacing books, to fuel the fire,
Reignition of a vast funeral pyre!

Tom Higgins 23/09/2012