bye bye my sweet angel
bye bye my sweet girl
i will never see you again
we shall never meet again no
we will always travel in opposite directions
you and i aren't meant to be
see you on the next street
my heart races eacch time i see you,
you are so mesmerising
but i know now my dream can never be realised
dreams are only rarely realised
youd be floating in a pretty white dress
through a field of flowers we would be runnin
laughin hand in hand, in love
the two of us together in bliss
i would look upon your body
soo drenched in loving admiration
i would see your beauty adorned
in golden lilys
but now its
bye bye my sweet angel
bye bye my sweet girl
i will never see you again
we shall never meet again no
we will always travel in opposite directions
you and i arent meant to be
see you on the next street
how many dreams come that are allowed to pass
how many are unobtained and alltogether lost