Chasing romantic memories,

   I have flung myself across the Pacific,

Determined to grow a new me.


Spiritually crippled,

   Seeking the light I once found,

I have cast away my safety.


Letting faith be the net,

   With a conviction I do not own,

My balance limps inside.


Breaching the highest obstacle,

   I’ve ever encountered,

Yet frozen with disinclination.


I stand solid in my anger,

   My vehemence and dread,

Rooting my hate in new soil.


My existence is limited,

   And months become days,

And hours disintegrate the seconds.


The pendulum swings closer,

   Threatening to cut my aloha forever,

Severing the seed in my soul.


What if? Rules my thinking,

   Like cancer abundant,

Poisoning my blood with insecurity.


Screaming injustice,

   I claw at myself,

Scrambling to just break free.


My spirit leaps overhead,

   Stomping my body,

Lurching off Kaena Pointe.


Death is ultimately practical,

   A welcoming cycle of life,

Necessary for rebirth.


Empty shell.




Quitter of dreams so true.


In the depths of the sky,

   I search for God,

The wind of my formation.


Asking for brutal truths,

   Begging for forgiveness,

Claiming my humility.


And I am lifted up through resignation,

   Slowly and uncertainly,

Tasting faith sincerely for the first time.


Tattered and torn,

   Bones brittle,

From grinding away at my own strength,


Faith has been given to me, not earned,

   It is my duty to absorb the water of life,

My calling to flourish in the sun.
