'Unwanted' Ramblings (Naked and Alone).

Where are you? Where are you my friend?
I look for you, I wait for you, but you are not to be found,
I call for you, I pray for you, but you never make a sound,
Where are you? Why are you not here?
I have no fear of you.
I welcome you.

Standing on the cliff edge of my emotions,
I watch, I wait, I listen to the breeze calling my name.
Naked and alone, I am chilled to the bone,
By the air of desperation, that surrounds me.

The echoes of those siren ladies, the beauties of the sea,
They lay seductively, on the rocks below within the spray.
The spray of the waves, that break so violently,
With the rage that contrast these feelings with me.

My journey to stand here was not an easy one,
It was neither planned, nor intended or wanted.
I had those hopes, dreams, a future I could see,
And for a time I even had a belief.
I took chances and found someone to dance with,
I closed my eyes, as I wished things away.
But now I am here, these whispers echoing around me,
Voices from the past, now taunting me.

This ball and chain, of false hope and shame,
It drags behind me, it drags me down.
I wish to free myself of it, free myself,
But the weight is heavy and the chains are strong.
I look before me, I look behind, I look all around,
I look up, I look down, and I listen to those siren ladies,
They are still calling to me, those beauties want me,
And they entice me, and I wish to be with them.

So where are you? Where are you my friend?
Are you here beside me? Are you holding my hand?
Will you... with me?  Will you keep me company?
Will you... with me? In the arms of those beauties?
Will you whisper to me, that silent prayer?