Turning, Rising, Laying.
- Details
- Written by: The_Unwanted
- Category: Poetry
- Hits: 2054
Turning Rising Laying.
Swimming against the tide I turn and rise
And am taken inside the following wave
I keep offering the strength with the will to survive
But as I turn and rise I am taken down again
I struggle to breathe I struggle to see
I want to give, but I cannot pretend,
So once again, I turn and rise,
Offering the strength, with the will to survive.
I have a smile, but I hide it well,
For if it was to show itself, a lie it would tell,
It used to light up my face, bring fire to my eyes,
In days gone by, before it lied,
I offered it to you, I offered it to them,
And maybe one day, I will offer it again,
But till then it hides, it waits inside,
Waiting for the day, it will shine with pride,
My hands are tied, my eyes are blind,
And with the others, I walk the line,
But when released, and able to see,
I look around, and no one is there,
The past is gone, the future is here,
But with every second, I lose another year,
And as I grow older, and the days get shorter,
The promise of forever, slowly disappears.
I open myself up, I release my life,
And watch it as it, drip drips to the floor,
There are feeling to resist, but they are ignored,
As more and more, drip drips to the floor,
This is not a cry, nor a question why,
It is not an answer, or anything more.
It is a need to release, to make the pain cease,
To walk away, and close the door.
So having swam against the tide, I no longer turn and rise,
I lay to be smothered, within the following wave,
And although I smile, it still tells a lie,
But accompanied by a sigh, it has the feeling of being self-satisfied,
And those shorter days, are never shorter than now,
And forever is a word, and here in the here and now,
And I look to my openness, I watch the release,
And as I close my eyes, I close the door.