silence has been worth a small fortune as i now kneel at the shrine of a mother once lost. a lag to the 2nd 3rd and fourth - maybe a 5th soon to be tossed. but the pennies i have in the future are worth looking at instead of grave stones i will need strong stones, most likely huge loans from those that care and from those that dont, well, i dont expect anything less than fruitless words. sword to the gizzard and slither like a lizard, biding my time to be great.
time gives man and me a clean slate as i reach into unchartered waters and i peel layers back beyond the slaughter. those extra families i possess surely wont miss the touch i put upon them until they realise what a touch it was. maybe they arent that clever though. maybe i shoulda left them a card, make it easier on the boat. whoa!, dont rock the boat now lad. of the numbers that call me i wish to speak with 1, the xteenth love in the orbit of my sun.
pleasure and power rarely come hand in hand horse and carriage, blah blah blah. if you reach for what i reach for - cliche - you'll go far. foreign friends, loads of ink but no pens, movie lines and old stories of cocaines' sweet wines. fires blazing in the hair of the priest as everyone around me stops the lease to get married by justice and promise and useless bits of order. allow a little chaos to run free, im going with the flow as i distance my self from family.
but dont worry, im still on the map.