Pip pip ta doodly do

From across the counter I see you

You only sit in your place in a pile

Yet my crave for you stretches for thousands of miles

Pip pip ta doodly do

From across the counter, I watch you

Staring at you, I could drool for days

But people are passing, and they’re taking you away

Pip pip ta doodly do

I’m beginning to wonder why I watch you

There’s a few of you left, and I’m starting to worry

If I really want you, I think I should hurry

Pip pip ta doodly do

After all this time, I finally have you

I went to the counter, paid only a dollar

I’m so excited, I feel, the stars could hear me holler

Pip pip ta doodly do

I don’t understand this thing with you

I couldn’t eat you, so I put you in my pocket

But I guess that’s the love for my dear chocolate

Comments (4)
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Now this is why rhyming matters sometimes. Each rhyme (reinforced with "pip pip ta' doodly do" on every fourth line) adds a musical quality to the poem with propels the reader forward. TJ_Saponi proves that structure works if done right!
Joshua Hennen
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Much appreciated. The catch phrase came from something I heard somewhere along the line, and it stuck in my head. So thanks again.
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This is a fun poem. Nothing to heavy, and it's quite musical in its sing-song rhythms. Good sunday reading material. You know, when your hungover and can hardly prop your head up. No one can read Dostoyevsky at such times.
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This is a fun poem. Nothing heavy, and it's quite musical in its sing-song rhythms. Good sunday reading material. You know, when your hungover and can hardly prop your head up. No one can read Dostoyevsky at such times.
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