Never Was.
I feel it deep inside when I think of the time that never was
And how it was always tied up in reasons of just because
With all those declarations that were made and then lost
I never thought I would have so much nothing at such a cost.
I remember with a tear of the day that never came,
Of all those conversations that only fanned the flame,
We planned of a future with dreams of just the same,
But here in the afterglow now nothing of nothing remains.
Sometimes I feel comfort in the dream that will never be,
Using it as a way to shrug of this disheartening view of reality,
For you have to experience to learnt and to know the dream,
You have to begin with faith in possibilities to live out the fantasy.
I will never forget of the time that never was,
And I believe with understanding I will recover from its cost,
But is it really better to not know, than to have know and lost,
This is the question that will haunt me in the future of the never was.