ballistics and explosions all around all on the inside
heart pounding and white wings beating behind me stretched as i glide
i am soaring away from the danger directed by the love of fear
the driving force behind me staying with this girl forever
the desire to be by her thigh and phased into her breast
i dived across highways and dodged bending bullets for her
i would take scars and i would hold my breath, hold it all in
i passed through panes of glass and jumped between high rises
i persued the men and women that threaten, have threatened our unity
i cast them this glance and now, fulfilled i move with haste to her; sole, happy, free
my pirate chick awaits my touch, she will no my plight from my rough hands
my blood shot eyes i shall conceal for they curdle blood
but even seeing her blind has all the uplifting contentment i can ask for
i dodged drugs, cliches and a whole other life to be with my pirate chick
i beat my wings to give her what she deserves, my kiss and a lick