Eyes sagging like rain-heavy palms
Thoughts are screaming growing and shrinking
Take two pills at once Alice
And see who you really are
From outside the barriers of space and time
Your dreams will carry you far away y
Yet still within the mind
Which is bigger than you may think
Brain craves REM waves
As he sinks deeper into delirium
The wheel begins to slip from
His hands, roads unpaved
Jostle the mind flow; I snap
Back to jagged brick paths, tripping
On the brick and on the lack.
A passing girl's eyes dart sideways against
My gaze – dilated, distant. Unphased
By her uneased vibes,
I drift back to mind-
surrender, Let go, and sit back for the ride.
He flows with the traffic, speeds
When he needs to
Wild wind whistles
He's cruising, amusing himself as he giggles
And laughs at the dance of
The Others, frenzied and
Fast moving pylons grow wider and taller
His head in the clouds, autospeed
Set, music
Loud enough to drown
The grating sound of
Over ridgèd noise-lines painted on the ground
For Drivers, to make them
Realize their fate before it's
He swerves
I turn
Just as the top of her race-car head
Drives itself into my chin, collision, she
Hits hard brick.
A white tornado shrouds her
I scramble to snag falling pages, like money
Sorry, so sorry, I'm a little...
Out of it today. Feelin' kinda strange.
Outstretched hand
That's alright, grasped.
Accidents happen.