mystery mystery oh solemn mystery come to me in a dream come to me in a trance give me a pot luck of rats and let me choose the skin i shall wear for my feet. for i have traveled oh mystery to the places that cannot be seen depths of cavern and high atop Olympus itself from where lightning bolt devours the sky and trident forces the moon and its waves. wave to me now in solemn mystery show me a secret that is worth to be kept and i shall keep it until i join the Gods on that mystery hill. 

truth is spoken by you mystery but you keep the mystery hidden should we worship from our knees the slight of hand and the chalk scrapings or the dragging of enlarged stone slabs to create wonders unimaginable. or should i weep from the scrapers of metal and glass or into the cup of vitamin c from which we gain our lives true destinies and fulfillments of ecstasy. oh mystery tell me what lies here there and beyond rainbows into dark forests and through howls of wolf, tell me how to sustain lust and forgive cruel love mystery you have the answers can you not share before the feet of Apollo, or cower beneath the spear of Ares will you yield the land and sea and sky to the three brothers and let me in on Chinese whispers that turn myth into legend

Mystery deepest sympathies and heartfelt courage are speeding into eyes as bright as cats and as sharp as does, you know i have the faith in myself to spend eternity with knowledge and in the air of accomplices of great nature and displacement. the facts are rudimentary so why oh sweet mystery is it all an inch from touch, why am i touching from a distance and getting further all the time, mystery if you are there flap the winged feet of the messenger twice and turn both heads to face me so i no the full nature of the conquest right before my eyes. will i find the secret in tepid breezes or wistful planes of desert Africa, will i find it in the glacial ices to the north. mystery point me in directions that lead to fear and destruction and pain so i may conquer them my own way. help me brave the death of all by letting me in. in the mystery oh mystery let me in to the volcano