bespeckled by a dog hair whispered on the size of a giant

the blue roof falls through a golden ring from the elephant

a self styled martyr confides while the swordsmen use liquid sticks

but the brains are in operation the efficiency must be quick

sand is dried in the arid land postmen pump information through

its all in the rations of truth served but whoever came they knew

tides and fortunes come and go, the spiders dance to the flying frog

fireman and Dennis as one looking for a cat on a three legged jog

the trampoline is just for show as the kids use the underrated mattress

where do we go from here dont take it off you're already fat in the dress

the spirits talk to each other and they talk to the third world

you are in my arms waiting for the caress they only got me so you can be my girl

i dont mind the noise honestly i dont but the pigs have hooves you see

they go clickety clack how long the snake is and its bearing down onto the scene

if we smoke all under our milky way, then we smoke each other and live

sunburst 'n' hollow point fired in all angles, see how much love i've got to give