oh, i dunno, life maybe.?
- Details
- Written by: soi-disant
- Category: Poetry
- Hits: 1410
beseech me my lord the squares are blue and the walls are a strange mist covered in a gloss from the beautifully naturalistic created yellow sun on the twilight of such a big mystery. discovery comes everyday boom boom boom as they say its hard to get started with a sight for sore eyes that peril cannot adhere to. they incestualize the intervention that a hard rocket ship forces upon the atmosphere as the pressure discriminates the planet into more than just yes or no. yes and no. this is true, i dont know is sitting not on the fence but an uneventful fact boring to the grainy flatscreen inside the dwelling home on its land that created a jist with certain people that we can protect or so we think and hope on the fact if all dissipates right before the eyes aforementioned dispel onto the sight. forgive the incest. forgive the crap. carry on with the goading and the harassment that was foretold by the deciding ancestors that there will be in the nearest future that we can grasp. grasp it from within the glowing sun. impressive what you might discover on the edge of abandonment and dishonesty. educational what you find in the pit of your stomach when you shred someone of their puny and predictably excing and short live. what a way to see. impressive, no!