Faced with an enthralling desire. Mustn’t touch Must Not Touch! Chop off my beautiful useful hands and toss them unceremoniously into the fire. They will be forgotten more quickly this way. The pain is physical but similar in the way of a breaking heart. The heart of the problem is change choice and new acquaintance. What do you seek. Where did you peak. Hoe were you great. Who did you use as bait for the project of winning. Jealousy is uncharacteristic of everyone don’t you find. Its ridiculous; everyone says they are not the jealous type. Bullshit. Situations make us jealous. Some people are great, well, don’t believe the hype.
Forgive Jesus for speaking out of line. Forgive Ali for thinking himself great. forgive vampires as they live forever. Forgive. Easier said than done. And all our thoughts undone as the light streams through the chink of curtains onto their bedspread as you peep through you see the girl you want with another man. A handsome, tall, perfect haired man. He may have a five o’clock shadow. He seems to always have it perfect. As he stickles her down below that sensation of lightning that flies through your spine like a train on the tracks. That my friends is jealousy.